Ageas websites :

What ‘impact’ means to us

As we sat down to develop our new strategy, one question was at the front of our minds: how could we make a positive and lasting impact for all our stakeholders – employees, customers, partners, investors, and society?

Our values have never been more alive

Our business at its foundation has a set of core aspirational values: Care, Dare, Deliver and Share. They describe the behaviours and principles that represent who we are and how we work. They are already fully embraced by our people and are the drivers of our day-to-day business. They provide IMPACT24 with a solid foundation on which to build upon.

Creating impact, through the smallest things

In life, we all have the ability to make an impact. For many, it may be the simple act of making a difference to someone else’s day, for others it may be the profound long-lasting impact you have had on someone’s life. We all have the capacity to make an impact in this world by doing the simplest of things.

Our purpose has never been more relevant

Our plans within Impact24 are inseparably linked with our Group’s purpose to be a supporter of the lives of our stakeholders. This commitment has never had more meaning than today and will act as our compass for the years to come.